The Form of Movement

De PUG prijs 2023 is uitgereikt aan het project “Form of movement”, waarin kunstenaar Isabel Ferrand en wetenschapper Remco Veltkamp samenwerken. Isabel onderbouwt haar kunst vaak met stevig onderzoek en deze prijs gaf weer extra gelegenheid om haar onderzoek rondom het project ‘The learning hand’ uit te breiden.
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The PUG Prize 2023 has been awarded to the project “Form of movement”, in which artist Isabel Ferrand and scientist Remco Veltkamp collaborate. Isabel often substantiates her art with solid research and this prize provided additional opportunity to expand her research around the project ‘The learning hand’.
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artist’s site: Isabel Ferrand
also see: video Isabel Ferrand

december 2, 2023 287 views Isabel Ferrand